Invest your spare change

  • Invest with small amounts of money
  • Stay in control of your finances
  • Get started quickly and easily in KBC Brussels Mobile
Invest your spare change

KBC Brussels Mobile installed? Then follow these steps:

Tell Kate: 'I want to start investing my spare change' or follow these steps:
  • Log in to KBC Brussels Mobile
  • Tap ‘Investments’ and then ‘(+) New’ next to ‘Composition’ or ‘Discover what we offer’
  • Tap ‘Invest your spare change’

Don’t have KBC Brussels Mobile?

Installing KBC Brussels Mobile on your phone is a great idea. That's because you can join over 1.6 million people and use it to do more than just carry out banking transactions and deal with insurance matters. For instance, you can also pay for parking, buy public transport tickets, and much more besides. Another bonus is that the app is regularly updated with new features.

Don’t have KBC Brussels Mobile?

Installing KBC Brussels Mobile on your phone is a great idea. That's because you can join over 1.6 million people and use it to do more than just carry out banking transactions and deal with insurance matters. For instance, you can also pay for parking, buy public transport tickets, and much more besides. Another bonus is that the app is regularly updated with new features.

Not a customer at KBC Brussels?

If you’re not a customer with us, make an appointment now or open an account online.

Why choose KBC Brussels?